Dark Lavender Chiffon® Hibiscus PW - 1 Gallon
Easy-to-grow summer color. Deeper color makes Dark Lavender CHIFFON¨ a dramatic choice for summer color. This adaptable, easy-to-grow plant offers a graceful habit, low seed set, and months of blooms.
Hibiscus syriacus 'SMNHSPCL' PP#33,568; CBRAF
Top Features: Long blooming, Double flowers
USDA Zone 5-9 (-20°F/-28.8°C)
Exposure Full sun
Height 8-12' x Width 6-10'
Type Deciduous
Bloom Time Summer
Flower Color Purple
Foliage Color Green
General Care
Not finicky about soil - any well-drained site will do.
Regular pruning is not required. May be trimmed, pruned, or shaped as desired in early spring.
Specimen; hedge; foundation plantings; mixed borders; screening.
Growing Tips
Rose of Sharon generally has high fertility needs and may benefit from yearly applications of a granular fertilizer formulated for flowering shrubs.