Busy Bee™ Vitex - 2 Gallon
Busy Bee™ Vitex is a low-maintenance, deciduous shrub that is ideal for borders, pollinator gardens, mass plantings, or containers. Its dark purple to blue flowers attract pollinators and continue to push new flowers all summer and into fall. It is drought tolerant and has a uniform, compact habit, growing on average to around 6ft high. It blooms on new wood, so it can easily be sheared and still show its beautiful blooms.
VITEX 'JBG 19002'
Hardiness zones: Hardy in Zones 5-9
Annual for Zones 4 & below
Sun: Full sun (8+ hours)
Water: Weekly until established
Size: 6-8’ tall x 5’ wide
Bloom Time: Summer into Fall
Prune: Prune late winter/early spring
Soil Type: Acidic, neutral & alkaline, drained, mulch
Fertilize: Slow-release, granular even ratio (10-10-10)
formula in early Spring, repeat as directed